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Graphics Artists needed Lympex (Nick) (1 reply, 0 views) (2000-Oct-2) Hi!
I'm looking for graphics artists for a 2D top down online RPG called 'The Enchanted Realm Online' (The E Realm or ERO for short). Programming is well under way, it's being created in VB ;o) using DirectX.
Following things have been completed or well underway:
- Map Editor
- Player Movement
- Chat
- List Items
- Attack Player
- Attack Monster
- Log on to server
- Online Play Ability
- Experience
- Some Music has been created
- Sound fx are being created
- Graphics, well, we need an artist, ony got a small amount of tiles so far.
We need someone to create graphics of the size 48x48, small I know, but it's going to be a very simple but effective game. http://cnetgaming.cjb.net (http://TheERealm.com coming soon).
ICQ: 50401146
E-Mail: Nick@NetImpulse.co.uk