VBGamer |
Bugs fixed? Jay Wheeler (1 reply, 0 views) (2000-Jul-31) My, my, is SavePicture ever fussy. Persistent bitmaps, autoredraw -- ick. The "size" bug was some technicality, basically I tinkered with things but I believe it works properly now.
Adam, I've added a "browse" dialog box as well as some simple error handling.
Both of you, please re-download the ZIP (all 19k of it!) and let me know if I've addressed your concerns satisfactorily. Anybody who's having trouble understanding what the different parameters are and what they do, please let me know.
Also, for those of you that are thinking you MIGHT want to use this, please note that the default parameters... suck. You can get MUCH better looking explosions than those ones, especially with 700-3000 particles on a higher blend setting. I haven't played around with the color settings much, either.