


RE: Clipping problems.. Peter (6 replies, 0 views) (2000-Jul-4)
Why's everything commented out? I don't know why my clipping sample wouldn't work for you, since it works in DDCK clipping everything left, top, right, and bottom. I think you are implementing *something* wrong. But here is how clipping is coded into DDCK. Basically there is one sub that does the blitting (or bltfasting) with the clipping code in it. You would just call this for anything you would want to draw to the screen and if it is over the boundaries it is clipped (with this clipping can be toggled on and off). : Public Sub DDBltFast(surface As DirectDrawSurface7, RECTvar As RECT, x As Integer, y As Integer, Optional transparent As Boolean = True, Optional Clip As Boolean = True) 'This subroutine will BltFast a surface to the 'backbuffer. This wont work with clipper. 'CLIPPING 'Temporary rect Dim RectTEMP As RECT RectTEMP = RECTvar If Clip = True Then 'Set up screen rect for clipping Dim ScreenRECT As RECT With ScreenRECT .Top = y .Left = x .Bottom = y + RECTvar.Bottom .Right = x + RECTvar.Right End With 'Clip surface With ScreenRECT If .Bottom > 600 Then RectTEMP.Bottom = RectTEMP.Bottom - (.Bottom - 600) .Bottom = 590 End If If .Left < 0 Then RectTEMP.Left = RectTEMP.Left - .Left .Left = 0 x = 0 End If If .Right > 800 Then RectTEMP.Right = RectTEMP.Right - (.Right - 800) .Right = 800 End If If .Top < 0 Then RectTEMP.Top = RectTEMP.Top - .Top .Top = 0 y = 0 End If End With End If If transparent = False Then Call ddsBack.BltFast(x, y, surface, RectTEMP, DDBLTFAST_WAIT) Else Call ddsBack.BltFast(x, y, surface, RectTEMP, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) End If End Sub That is copy & pasted directly from the DDCK project file. The only thing is, you have to adjust the numbers to your resolution (pherhaps that is your problem). If you are running in 640x480 res, change 800 to 640 and 600 to 480, since the above is for a 800x600 resolution Peter DDCK:MoC A Mythical RTS

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Here's my modification... Warder (5 replies) (2000-Jul-4)
That tiling code Peter (0 replies) (2000-Jul-4)
RE: Here's my modification... Jay Wheeler (3 replies) (2000-Jul-6)
I already changed the res, it makes no difference Warder (2 replies) (2000-Jul-6)
RE: I already changed the res, it makes no differe Jay Wheeler (1 reply) (2000-Jul-7)
Clipping DLL... The Gilb (0 replies) (2000-Jul-7)

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