


Gamedev/ Shortcuts etc. Greg Knudson (1 reply, 0 views) (2000-Jun-30)
Hmm, I was thinking; since more and more games are being made today, they are ever more complex, with excellent AI, scripting, graphics, and whatnot. Since they have been using scripting languages (something like Java or Lisp) and we're on the topic of speeding up the development with such tools and languages, I think we should have a section of shortcuts that people may submit for creation of each genre or area of game development( maybe something John Romero could use). What do people here do to speed up development? A good example is UT, which uses alot of Java for controls and scripting, and uses C++ for core graphics engines and more system dependant technologies. With this in mind, does anyone have any innovative ideas of their own? For example, here you guys would use DLL's to speed things up and make doing certain things a little easier, or something like that. Greg K.

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RE: Gamedev/ Shortcuts etc. Jack Hoxley (0 replies) (2000-Jul-1)

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