


RE: While I'm not intending to start an argument.. Carl (11 replies, 0 views) (2000-Jun-24)
Not that it bothers me what people decide to make, you can rip off anything they like (as long as it isn't mine:) But I don't think anybody said anything to you lynx because you openly admit you are making Wonderboy III and that its a copy of the original, whereas this other guy whos making the Metal Gear solid rip off is just taking the characters from MGS and putting them in his own game and then saying he isn't ripping off anybody. Anyway I was just saying, don't flame me, actually don't flame anybody else for making comments about ripping off MGS, because you ARE stealing their characters, and have admitted it, and as long as you don't try selling the game (which I gather you aren't) then its not hurting anybody, so can we please wrap this petty argument up now. ========================== Don't forget to post all your news at <> ==========================

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LOL, does the name "Hasbro" ring a bell Lynx of CP (5 replies) (2000-Jun-24)
RE: LOL, does the name "Hasbro" ring a b Adam Hoult (4 replies) (2000-Jun-24)
Aw carp *L* Lynx of CP (3 replies) (2000-Jun-24)
I'm exempt too Mattman (2 replies) (2000-Jun-24)
RE: I'm exempt too Adam Hoult (1 reply) (2000-Jun-24)
SILENCE! :P *nt* Mattman (0 replies) (2000-Jun-25)
RE: While I'm not intending to start an argument.. MrBoogerman (4 replies) (2000-Jun-24)
RE: While I'm not intending to start an argument.. Adam Hoult (3 replies) (2000-Jun-24)
on a side note. MrBoogerman (2 replies) (2000-Jun-24)
I think ... Bren (1 reply) (2000-Jun-26)
RE: I think ... MrBoogerman (0 replies) (2000-Jun-26)

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