



If you have anything that might be usefull for game programming, then email me and I'll host the file on the server.

Some of these files are from the original VB Gaming Central. Adam Hoult, the webmaster of VB Gaming Central, has given me permission to host this content. The copyright of the files belong to their respective authors. If you are the author of any of these files and you don't want them to be hosted here, please contact me.

Due to leeching by an objectionable German website, file downloads are only for VBgamer members. Be nice, don't leech.

vb0104.zip788Mathias KunterRevo Tron VB6 Source code. Complete single player game with added features such as weapons and shields. Source code is very well commented.
RoX_Levels.zip901Dmitriy Safro108 bonus levels for RoX.
RoX.exe11,431Dmitriy SafroRoX version 1.4, this is the full free game from Safrosoft, includes new music and other goodies.
dx7ErrLog.zip17Joel Webster, Steven BlomCode to add Error logging to a DirectX 7 application, translates error codes to text.
Physics.zip15Andy OwenA cool physics demo showing a simulation of ridged bodies interacting with each other. Very well commented.
concatenate.zip8Eric ColemanProgram to create and concatenate Matrices. Also does vertices. Outputs for DX7 or DX8. Source code only.
direct5d.zip1,469Giorgio 'Willer' CameraniSource code, comprehensive demo showing alpha blending, rotation, using directx 7 IM for 2D
D3Dfor2D.zip401Carl WarwickSource for using directx 7 IM for a 2D game
imgenginesmall.zip40Adam HoultSource code only of Image Engine
imgengine.zip2,936Adam HoultContains source code for loading various image formats using native VB functions, includes sample images
custimage.zip72Adam Houltsource code for creating custom image format
cppvb.zip16Torsten DambergHow to create an activeX dll in VC++ for use in VB
gameai.zip79Torsten DambergCOM DLL that performs A* path finding, and various math functions
coinssrc.zip11Erick GroveSource to a tetris clone
castle.zip678MicrosoftDirectX7 3D Castle demo
isorotate12.zip426Adam HoultSource code, creates different types of iso tiles
rotationdll.zip12Dallas Nutsch, Michael BraitmaierDLL to do rotations in direct draw
cdxvb7sdk.zip583GilbEngine demo, samples, resource file creator, map editor
bitshift.zip2David GoodladAssembly DLL to do bit shifts in VB
directshow7.zip20Michael BraitmaierShows how to use the included directshow.dll to play avi files with direct draw
room3d.zip221Wolfgang Kienreich, Darkphorm, et. al.DirectX 5 RM sample, missing win32 type library version 0.2, missing DirectX 5 Type Library v 0.6

Copyright © 2002 - 2004 Eric Coleman, Peter Kuchnio , et. al.
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