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DOWNLOADS: DirectX 7 Specific

Welcome to the DirectX 7 downloads section, from this page you can download all of the code samples associated with the DirectX 7 tutorials. (They are the same as those linked to in the tutorial text themselves)

General DirectX 7

Error Class  15kb A class module for decoding DirectX error messages, very useful for debugging.
Hardware Enumerator  15kb A small program that detects all available hardware
DirectX Setup  25kb Checks the version of DirectX thats currently installed, and prompts to install it if required.


Fullscreen Example  7kb An example of a fullscreen DirectDraw application
Enumeration  164kb Example for enumerating hardware capabilities in DirectDraw
Drawing Shapes  11kb An example showing how to draw shapes in DirectDraw
Text  9kb Demonstration of drawing text in DirectDraw
Windowed Mode  187kb Running DirectDraw in a window
Palettes  91kb How to use 8 bit palettised mode in DirectDraw
Animation  554kb An example of rendering an animation using DirectDraw
Tiling  15kb An example of how to make a 2D tile engine using DirectDraw
Scrolling  303kb An example of scrolling a massive image divided into multiple smaller sections
Memory Access  49kb Demonstration of using Direct Memory Access for special effects
Memory Access 2  49kb Using the same technique as the original, but much simpler
Effects Library  19kb A library of effects that can be applied using the DMA technique
Effects Library Sample  48kb An example using the Effects Library
Gamma Correction 566kb How to use gamma correction in DirectDraw fullscreen mode
Title Program  89kb A combination of several effects to create a game logo

Direct3D Retained Mode

Basic program 224kb The simplest framework example for D3D
Lighting 229kb An example of using lights in retained mode
Texturing 108kb A simple demonstration of using textures in retained mode
Demo App 103kb A demonstration combining the main features of retained mode

Direct3D Immediate Mode

Basic 3D 7kb Displays the basics of running Direct3D immediate mode (written by Carl Warwick)
Rotate 9kb An example of rotations and transformations (Written by Carl Warwick)
Z-Buffers 11kb An example of using depth buffering in 3D (Written by Carl Warwick)
Lighting 13kb An introduction to Direct3D Lighting (Written by Carl Warwick)
- Missing! - File was lost in HDD formatting incident. sorry...
Multi-Object 12kb Displaying more than one object in a scene
Character Movement 14kb An example of moving characters around in 3D
Camera Demo 14kb How to move the camera around
MultiPass Blending 54kb How to use mult-pass texture blending
MultiPass Blending 2 98kb Another example of using multi-pass texture blending
TLVertex Example 56kb An example by Martin Stradling showing how to use 3D for 2D
Particle Effects 25kb Particle Effects example
3D object loader 12kb The two classes required to load .ASE objects into D3D


Basic Program  12kb A simple first application in using DirectSound
Modifier  13kb An example showing how to modify the sounds properties
Enumeration  8kb Checking the capabilities of the Sound hardware
Stream from a file  16kb An example of playing a sound file straight from the hard drive
Stream to a file  14kb Writing recorded sound data straight to the hard drive
Recording  11kb An introduction to recording sound and then playing it back
Full Duplex  10kb An example showing the implementation of Full Duplex
3D Demo  14kb A basic application showing how to using DirectSound3D


MIDI  8kb A simple example showing how to play MIDI music
DLS  22kb An introduction to implementing DLS files for music playback
MIDI modifier  10kb An example of altering the properties of a MIDI track
DLS modifier  485kb An example of changing the properties of a DLS track
Information  10kb How to retrieve information from a piece of music
Looping  9kb How to loop your music for continuous playback


Keyboard  12kb An example of getting input from the keyboard
Mouse  14kb How to get input from the mouse
Joystick  13kb How to use a generic joystick/gamepad
Force Feedback  10kb An example showing the use of Force Feedback effects
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